When looking for a new dentist, you’re searching for more than someone to just inspect and clean your teeth. Your dental health is a vital part of your overall health so it’s important for you to have a dental home. This means there is always someone looking out for the best interest of you and…
Category: Oral Health

What Your Child Eats can Affect Their Dental Health
The phrase, “You are what you eat,” rings all too true, although in this case, it’s your child’s teeth that will fall prey to the wrong types of food. Too many sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks, non-nutritious snacks, other sugary foods (cake, cookies, chocolates and candies), and starches (pretzels and potato chips) can cause tooth…

Your Daily Brew is Giving You a Coffee Smile and It’s Bad
Imagine a typical morning. You wake up in a fog and groggily shuffle to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee before you can start functioning for the day. You probably live by the motto, “But first, coffee.” It is a must-have for you that helps to kick-start the day and wake up…

Your Dental Guide to Choosing the Right Toothpaste
If you’ve ever found yourself staring at all the colourful boxes of toothpaste on a store shelf wondering which one is best for you, you’re not alone. This happens to even the best of us. The toothpaste aisle at the grocery store can be intimidating for those looking for the best toothpaste for their oral…

Your Dental Guide to Choosing the Right Toothbrush
Choosing the right toothbrush can be a daunting task. Should you go for one that looks like Megatron’s cousin? Or you prefer to go for something pink and girly? There are many factors to consider before buying the right fit for your needs and your mouth. We will look at the biggest factors in choosing…

Enjoy Your Vacation with These Tooth-Savvy Travel Tips
Planning to go for a vacation? Can’t wait to kick back and forget about your responsibilities? Yep, we’re with you on that but before you board the flight, remember that while you’re on vacation, your oral hygiene isn’t. It can be hard to pay attention to your dental health while you’re travelling, be it for…

Avoid These Habits to Protect Your Pearly Whites
Chewing on a pen while trying to squeeze out ideas at work? Crunching on the last bits of ice of your iced lemon tea on a hot day? Want to snack on a packet of chips but there’s no scissors in sight so you use your teeth? Do these scenarios sound familiar to you? That’s…

Still Not Flossing? Here are 5 Key Reasons Why You Should
As children, we are often told to brush our teeth twice daily; once in the morning and once more before we go to bed. But how many of us were told to floss? Your dentist has probably recommended and advised you to do so, but how many of us actually took heed of this? Toothbrush…

Food Matters: Diet Do’s and Don’ts for Your Teeth
Your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums more than just tools for eating. They’re essential for biting, tasting, chewing, and swallowing. In fact, your mouth is your body’s initial point of contact with the nutrients you consume. What you put in your mouth impacts not only your general health but also that of your teeth and…

Say ‘Ahh’: The Do’s and Don’ts of Good Oral Hygiene
Good dental hygiene is equal parts of what you do and don’t do. Our teeth are the most-used parts of our entire body and keeping them clean and healthy is crucial. Therefore, knowing what to do and what not to do can mean a huge difference between having the brightest smile and harming your confidence….