It doesn’t matter who you are, dental procedures can affect you and make you feel uneasy. You’re not alone either as many people feel the same after undergoing one. You worry not just about the procedure itself but the potential for side effects. While most people recover well after a dental procedure, there are the…
Category: Causes

Dental Aftercare: How to Care for Your Gums after a Tooth Extraction
Tooth extraction, or the removal of a tooth, is a common procedure for adults, even though their teeth are meant to be permanent. If you’ve had a tooth removed, these could be the reasons why: Tooth infection or decay Gum disease Damage from trauma Crowded teeth When you’ve had a tooth removed, it is important…

Know When to Change Your Toothbrush and How Often You Should Do It
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” You might also want to believe that the toothbrush is mightier than the drill. That’s because if you properly wield your toothbrush, you can use it as a powerful weapon against tooth decay and gum disease. But like any tool, if you want…

What Your Child Eats can Affect Their Dental Health
The phrase, “You are what you eat,” rings all too true, although in this case, it’s your child’s teeth that will fall prey to the wrong types of food. Too many sugar-filled sodas, sweetened fruit drinks, non-nutritious snacks, other sugary foods (cake, cookies, chocolates and candies), and starches (pretzels and potato chips) can cause tooth…

Your Daily Brew is Giving You a Coffee Smile and It’s Bad
Imagine a typical morning. You wake up in a fog and groggily shuffle to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of coffee before you can start functioning for the day. You probably live by the motto, “But first, coffee.” It is a must-have for you that helps to kick-start the day and wake up…

Avoid These Habits to Protect Your Pearly Whites
Chewing on a pen while trying to squeeze out ideas at work? Crunching on the last bits of ice of your iced lemon tea on a hot day? Want to snack on a packet of chips but there’s no scissors in sight so you use your teeth? Do these scenarios sound familiar to you? That’s…

Food Matters: Diet Do’s and Don’ts for Your Teeth
Your mouth, teeth, tongue, and gums more than just tools for eating. They’re essential for biting, tasting, chewing, and swallowing. In fact, your mouth is your body’s initial point of contact with the nutrients you consume. What you put in your mouth impacts not only your general health but also that of your teeth and…

Why Do Your Gums Bleed and How to Prevent It
Spitting out a bit of blood in the sink after brushing and flossing may not seem like a big deal. Sometimes, you may not even notice it. But bleeding gums is something you shouldn’t ignore. In fact, it could be an early sign of gum disease that should be addressed immediately! There are several factors…

Don’t Let Bad Breath Stop You From Living Your Life
If you’ve had people avoiding you when you’re talking to them, you most likely are suffering from bad breath. Don’t worry, everyone has it at some point in their lives. It’s one of life’s most common annoyances. Thankfully, we can do something about it but first, you need to know where it comes from. What…

How Often Should You Do Your Oral Health Screening?
Let us investigate and count the ways for you. The answer usually depends on your individual circumstances and risk factors. We all have different oral health needs and risk levels which reflect in the frequency of oral health screenings. How Often Should You Visit the Dentist? Most dentists will recommend you visit every six months,…