Chewing on a pen while trying to squeeze out ideas at work?
Crunching on the last bits of ice of your iced lemon tea on a hot day?
Want to snack on a packet of chips but there’s no scissors in sight so you use your teeth?
Do these scenarios sound familiar to you? That’s because most of us would have adopted at least one of the three habits. Day in, day out, without even being aware of them. While they may feel like it provides us with some level of comfort, they are actually bad habits that we should avoid cultivating because of the negative impact they have on our teeth.
We have identified six of the common dental troublemakers that might be hurting your mouth that you can avoid to save you a lot of pain and a hefty dental bill.
Nail Biting
Nail biting is a compulsive habit; it is often repeated without you being aware of what you’re doing, and it is a common habit, especially in children.
Excessive nail biting can harm the teeth and gums, and pieces of nail can upset the lining of the stomach if swallowed. It can also transfer germs that cause illness.
Brushing Too Hard
Don’t get us wrong. Brushing is a good habit to have but using too much force when brushing with a hard-bristled toothbrush, no less, can erode the protective enamel on your teeth.
People have damaged their teeth or gums as a result of over brushing, which has also been known to cause receding gums, worn spots on teeth, or cavities at the base or root of a tooth.
Grinding & Clenching
If you wake up one day with a dull, constant headache or a sore jaw, it’s a tell-tale sign that you’ve been grinding or clenching your teeth while you were asleep.
This happens especially when you’re anxious or stressed. However, when it occurs too often, teeth can be damaged. Grinding is usually caused by improper bite or crooked teeth.
Chewing Ice
You may think that chewing ice is harmless fun but it isn’t.
Constant ice chewing can erode tooth enamel and it runs the risk of cracking or chipping your teeth. It can also ruin any dental work that you have done, like fillings or crowns.
Using Your Teeth as a Tool
Have you ever opened a bag of chips with your teeth or taken a tag off clothes? For some reason, we’ve seemed to have invented the instant “tool teeth” for our convenience.
No scissors in sight, no worries. But doing this can crack or chip your teeth and fixing them can be very costly.
Thoughtless Chewing
If you find yourself at a creative roadblock, you’ve probably taken to chewing the end of your pen or pencil, trying to think of something.
Excessive chewing can increase the chances of chipping a tooth, and inanimate objects also carry germs that lead to illness or infections in the mouth.
Are you a victim of these habits? It’s time to stop or you may cause further damage to your teeth. In fact, you should nix all of these dental health no-nos.

Always remember to brush and floss your teeth twice daily for a healthy and happy mouth. You can always consult your dentist if you need any professional help or advice. Alternatively, the friendly folk at Artius Dental Group are more than happy to help!